Thursday, March 30, 2006

Oh no, it is an ever-fixed mark

Work went well today, and so did the choir practice I went to this evening for the Chrism Mass next week. I joined the festival choir on a whim, because it's not one of those church things that is like "every Wednesday until you die," but very specific in how much it demands and the commitment involved. I'm not really a choir singer, but these are small groups and we sing at St. Mary's Cathedral with good musicians, so I'm excited.

Anyway, had tea with S and found out more about the Alaskan adventure he will be embarking upon. Still leaving in about ten days (next Friday? Thursday? Somewhere in there) and will be gone for five months, give or take a trip at the end of his job to see his dad in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. I thank God that they offered him the five month position and he took it instead of the ten month option. I was kind of going, "Ten months, God? Well, if that's my burden to bear... But ten months?!" I know it's Lent and all, but hallelujah!

Why am I rejoicing that my boyfriend will be gone for five months? Because he will be happy, and because I think he will be back. I also think that if we both thought, "Hey, this person is interesting" back in high school, and we still are interested in each other now—seven years later—five months is a drop in a very large bucket.

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