Monday, April 09, 2007

All things know

I'm doing my homework for Reference class, and this week's assignment has to do with government documents. We are allowed to use online sources only for this bit of homework, so that means I did not have to spend three hours at the nearby university library in order to do my homework, rather, I just have to search FirstGov and use Google's Government Search. Also, I am cheating and using Wikipedia a bit, too, because how am I supposed to discern what these government documents are saying about anything? They are written like by a committee on confusion, so for the question about NAFTA's Chapter 11, I had to go and do some background reading. I found the actual Chapter 11 quite easily, but had no idea what it meant. Harrumph. Guess I'm not the brilliant mind I thought I was. Maybe it's all those drugs I did in high school. (Note: the previous sentence is a joke. Have been and always will be drug free. Hugs not drugs!)

Anyway, so now I have to find the text on the opinion of the Supreme Court in the case of Silkwood v. Kerr-McGee, and if that isn't your idea of a great Monday morning, I don't think we can be friends. Additionally, if you are not aware of the Posse Comitatus Act, I'm going to have to skip our plans for Friday night. Tip: to maintain our friendship.

As soon as I'm done here, I am going to make a very large, very well-dressed salad for my lunch/dinner at work at—where else?—the library!

Can I just say again how excited I am to go on vacation in two weeks?

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